virtual school read alouds that teach a lesson

Read Alouds During Covid

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How Choosing Books For My Son With Intention Keeps Our Home Sane During COVID

read alouds during covid - read to my child

It was right before the Spring Break that never ended that our routine for school and life just started to stabilize. We’d wake up, wash, dress, do a quick breakfast and then run out of the house for me to drive him to school. After dropping him off, I’d turn on Audible and usually listen to something like “Afraid of All The Things” by Scarlet Hiltibidal. Because well, as a single mother to a young Black boy in America– I am afraid of all the things. Feeling ill-equipped to truly care for all of my son’s emotional needs and well-being is a real and present fear.

It was at the end of Kindergarten that COVID hit and BLM protests began to climb. Whatever fears that began to dissipate as our routine stabilized, were quickly made ever-present in my mind. As avid readers, visiting the public library more than once a week, we were no stranger to picking out books.  Quarantine and all of life’s challenges that this climate offered, however, required a more intentional way to select books and read to my child.

After turning our focus to not just read alouds on kindness and read alouds on friendship– but adding in books to help with dialogue around loneliness, loss, anxiety, and stress– I challenged myself to invite my son to release all of his uncomfortable and negative feelings– with children’s books as my guide. I began to read to my child with the sole purpose of allowing him to put his feelings on the table.

Read Alouds To Restore Hope

We, parents, are the providers of stability for our children. The notion of stability was rocked to its core surrounding COVID and even our children realizing that no matter what they do or say, they cannot control change or even loss.

In addition to all this change, my son’s best friend moved away right before school started. This was probably the hardest to deal with. It is hard to convince a child that they will meet new people when we are in the midst of quarantine. The feelings of loneliness were immense.

Reading “The Great Realization” by Tomos Roberts (Tomfoolery)– offered hope. It allowed me to share the truths about these times in a way my son could understand. Using this book, I asked open-ended questions to lead to more discussion and discover more of his thoughts. 

Validating and hearing our children’s thoughts are the first steps to helping them feel secure.

Read Alouds About Emotions (negative emotions)

There are so many things for our children to feel anxious about in these times. A huge struggle in our home has been the fear of making mistakes. Virtual schooling comes with massive frustration around completing work on time and correctly. Besides increasing the number of breaks we take in our day, we’ve also increased the dialogue around how he is feeling about these things. 

Books like “Rise Up!” by Ginny Ellsworth offer us mindful tools to use when he is feeling frustrated. “The Book of Mistakes” by Corinna Luyken shows how mistakes are necessary and can blossom into inspiration. “Riley Madison: Discovers the Superpower of a List” by June Akers is hilarious. It is the perfect book to read when you need tools to keep everyone focused and at ease. Lastly, “Nola’s Scribbles Save the Day” by Cristina Lalli reminds my son not to let fear paralyze his creativity.

Offering our children stories they can relate to is so important in helping them understand that they are not alone. The conversation that those books create (by asking open-ended questions) are what shows them that not only are they not alone– but the most important person to them is right there listening.

Children’s Books About Being Happy With Yourself

For me, this is the biggest one. This is the root and foundation of it all and it begins with us. As parents, our habits and energy feed into the self-esteem of our children. I have spoken with so many well-intentioned parents who just don’t have the time to focus on these things.  Reading children’s books focused on self-esteem gives our children a great reminder that they are already enough.

Reading books like “Brilliant As You Are” or it’s counterpart “Beautiful As You Are” by PeTika Tave— are great ways to remind our children that they are special and unique.  “Freedom Bird” by Jerdine Nolen is a powerful tale that reminds children of the strength inside of them.  “Dear Boy” by Paris Rosenthal and “Dear Girl” by Amy Krouse Rosenthal are beautifully written celebrations of children that will make your child feel amazing!

Reading a book with our children is so powerful.

They give us the words and stories we need to talk with them at their level. Taking 10 minutes out of the day with a well-chosen book can be a life-changer for our kids. 

There is just something about the shared experience of story that helps us feel closer to our children. It is the most intentional use of time we can have with our children that has direct positive results on their life.

“When we read with our kids, we step outside of the noise, the hustle, the friction, and for just a few minutes, we are completely and totally present with them.” Relaxing with a book with our children allows us to step outside of the anxieties of today and into the present with our children.

Sarah Mackenzie

We just wrapped on our second Spring Break since COVID and our routine still has not stabilized.  But what is the norm in our home is strengthening our bond through children’s books. We look at books as tools and choose read alouds that teach a lesson.

Stay safe and well!

❤️ Quinn

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